Sunday, September 9, 2012

If I had a superpower....

My super power would be to make all the nasty viruses disappear.

Ross has had diarrhea since Tuesday when he went back to daycare from our week off thanks to Hurricane Isaac. On Tuesday he didn't eat much and he pooped all day long. We thought he was just having some anxiety because Daddy said he screamed when he was dropped off at school. Wednesday he ate but still had diarrhea. Thursday he got really bad diaper rash because of the diarrhea. Friday it was worse. Friday night I got some fabulous stuff called Lantiseptic and put that on it. It looked better Saturday morning. I also picked up some Bag Balm. Now his butt is looking pretty good but all he's had has been diarrhea since Tuesday. I'm also putting culturelle in his food. A daycare worker told me all the kids have diarrhea so I'm figuring it's a virus now.

Sunday morning, Alex says he doesn't feel good and a few minutes later he pukes. Thankfully (and hopefully) it was only one time. Neither boy has fever (phew!).

On another note- and the reason I came to blog this morning- Ross has a new word. Tee-tee means cookie. Yes, our chunky monkey says cookie. This morning, while eating cookies, Sookie (our 12lb. rat terrier) took his cookie. Ross chased her around the house saying not nice (nah-nie).

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